Greater China 3D Printing Seminar @ ITFest 2015
Greater China 3D Printing Seminar @ ITFest 2015
19 April 2015
The Greater China 3D Printing Seminar is organized by HKCOTA at Room ST111, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University on 19 April 2015.
In this seminar, experts from the Greater China region share their practical experience and applications on 3D printing.
HKCOTA had invited 9 speakers from Singapore, Taiwan, Macau and Hong Kong.
Thanks for the speakers from the overseas came to Hong Kong to give us a great talk about 3D printing in their own region.
Here are the list of the topics.
TOYS NO LONGER,Graham Leach, “Lecturer in Robotics, School of Design (PolyU)”, Hong Kong, pptx, Link
創意,是口號還是態度, CHU Tsz Wing, Pinciple of Baptist Rainbow Primary School, Hong Kong,,Link
CPTTM在澳門進行的3D打印技術及應用推廣工作, 區志煒先生, 澳門生産力暨科技轉移中心, Macau,zip, Link
Our Learning Journey – 我们的学习之旅 , Mr. Wei-In Tee, Simplified3D, Singapore, pdf, Link
3D列印在台灣的發展和現況分享, 葉啟盛先生, 宏碁股份有限公司 資深產品經理, Taiwan, pdf, Link
3D列印分享 , 謝弘進先生, 台北科技大學 材料所 在職碩士生, Taiwan, ppt, Link
香港3D打印之路 , 劉英偉先生, 香港Array[Z]創辦人, Hong Kong, ppt, Link
3D、雲端與移動科技的產業商機 , 蕭友強先生, 香港中小企商會聯席會議聯席主席及Linuxpilot創辦人, Hong Kong, pdf,Link
Tinyboy Project , Wan-Leung Wong, Director of HKCOTA, Hong Kong, pdf,