Student Sponsorship to SITCON x TW
Student Sponsorship to SITCON x TW
HKCOTA sponsored our first student to attend SITCON (Students’ Information Technology Conference) in Taiwan. With the generous donation from one of our active members, a Form 5 Open Source activist, Mr. Yip, could travel by air to Taiwan and present in the conference. We are also very grateful for the hospitality of the SITCON organiser and their hotel sponsorship for Mr. Yip.
This sponsorship kickstarted our long-term plan to sponsor more students to attend overseas Open Source related conferences.
香港創意開放科技協會 (HKCOTA) 在熱心會員支持下,首次贊助香港本地學生到國外開放源碼會議交流。今年中五的葉同學出發前往台灣參加學生計算機年會 (SITCON)。本會並感謝 SITCON 安排接機並為葉同學提供當地行程及住宿安排。這次贊助香港本地學生為本會的「自由開源軟件學生贊助(試驗)計劃」,作為日後本會每年贊助香港本地開放源碼學生到國外開放源碼會議交流的參考。