What is HKLUG

Hong Kong Linux User Group (HKLUG) is a non-profit organization by Hong Kong GNU/Linux lovers. It is aimed to gather GNU/Linux and Free/Opensource software(F/OSS) users or developers in Hong Kong, providing chances for them to exchange experience on GNU/Linux and F/OSS, helping new users, promoting F/OSS in Hong Kong and acting as a connection point of all the F/OSS users, developers and organization or community from overseas; in order to help the GNU/Linux and F/OSS Community. HKLUG is Hong Kong Registered Society No. 21299 under Societies Ordinance.


香港Linux用家協會(Hong Kong Linux User Group, HKLUG)是一個由香港 GNU/Linux 及自由或開源軟體(F/OSS)愛好者組成的非牟利組織,旨在聚集香港各GNU/Linux及F/OSS用家及開發者,提供機會互相交流 GNU/Linux及F/OSS 上的經驗,協助各新手,推廣GNU/Linux及F/OSS在香港的應用,以及充當香港F/OSS用戶和開發者,與世界各地F/OSS用家、開發者及組織的溝通橋樑, 以助整個 GNU/Linux與及F/OSS界的發展。HKLUG為香港註冊社團編號21299。


In 1990s, several HKLUG or similar organizations have been established by different groups of people. However, most are stopped due to some problem. In October 1997, some Hong Kong GNU/Linux users discussed in StarZine starforum.comp.unix that they want to have a local LUG in Hong Kong. They met on IRC and vote for the EXCO team re-establishing the HKLUG.


在過去幾年,香港曾有幾班不同的人先後組成幾個 HKLUG 及類似組織,但大部份都因為一些原因而結束。 1997 年 10 月於 星光 starforum.com.unix 新聞組的一輪討論中,一班香港 GNU/Linux 用戶組織起來並在 IRC 中選出新一屆幹事,而 HKLUG 亦宣佈重新再成立。

Hong Kong Linux User Group Website