Software Freedom Day, Hong Kong, 2014




Local F/OSS communities co-organize software freedom day again this year in Hong Kong.

Software Freedom Day 2014, Hong Kong

Date: 2014.09.20 Saturday
Time: 2:00-5:30pm
Venue: Lecture Theatre 9 (LT9), 4/F Academic 1, City University of Hong Kong, Tat Chee Road, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong. (Direction)
Languages: English / Cantonese.

Confirmed List of Topics and Speakers:

  • Monitoring censorship with open source software by Mr. Chung-hong Chan (電鋸).
  • Open Source Job Board by Mr. Sammy Fung.
  • Using Redis in game system by Mr. Triton Ho.
  • The Boring Licences (Take 2) by Dr. Haggen So.
  • Looking for C10K Solution – Elixir and Erlang by Mr. Hilary Cheng.
  • A Case Study: How Does Open Source Drive Up The Development of a Constructed Language by Mr. Brendan Tang (sorpa’as).
  • 自由香港字型 Free Hong Kong Fonts by Mr. Kingman Leung (梁敬文).

Venue Sponsor: Department of Computer Science, City University of Hong Kong.


  • Hong Kong Creative Open Technology Association
  • Hong Kong Linux User Group
  • Mozilla Hong Kong
  • Open Source Hong Kong






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